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  • Right Way to Prepare Notes for MPPSC

    Posted by : Kautilya Academy /

    If you are preparing for MPPSC or UPSC Examinations then this can be a very important topic for you, that is how to prepare notes for MPPSC?

    After research from different sources about the things, we should keep in mind while preparing for competitive exams. But how to make exam preparation notes? There is always a dilemma regarding this matter. Sometimes notes are prepared and later it is realized that they are not organized. So we should always remember to make notes in a proper manner.  
    If you are being told where to start. And which process to follow? The very first thing is that you should not believe in buying more books. Buy a book only if you think you need to have it personally. Then you will ask how the notes will be made without a book. Here are some ideas that can definitely help you.

    Let the library help you:-
    You should go to a good library nearby. Where there is a facility to sit and study. This will help you in two things - you won't have to spend a lot of money on material selection. Secondly, you will find a group of people studying there. With whom you will not only get company but you can also discuss material points with them. You can also exchange books with each other.

    Online / Offline :-
    You can make notes in both ways. The advantage of online notes is that it is accessible anywhere anytime, but without the internet, you can not do anything, in offline notes, you can say when your handwriting is written Feels a little better. Now you have to decide whether to make offline notes or online.

    Read first then make notes:-
    Now start reading by taking out good books related to the subject. Remember you have to start reading, you don't have to start writing now. Read-only one chapter from all the books. Some things will be the same in them and some points will be different. Read most of the books on the subject. This will make your understanding of the subject very clear and the grip will be strong. After that, you can start making notes on that topic.

    Start with the topics who, where, how, when, and why:-
    Now sitting in the library itself, first note down the basics of the subject and write it down. For this, you start by creating a base of questions like "who, where, how, when, and why". Also, write the special points given in different books on a separate page. These are your raw notes being prepared. Now you go on fitting your heading by sorting the dots from the raw material. That is, you divide the topic into small pieces and write it in sequence. For example, the first point will be an introduction, then the history or relationship of that subject, then the characteristics, then economic, social, political, geographical features, its connection with the present and its impact on the future etc. You have to write on only one subject.

    Synopsis can also help:-
    The synopsis created from these headings will be written on your front page, which will help you a lot in subject repetition later. Once you have read the synopsis, the entire answer is briefly recapitulate, and it also gives you an order of what to write after which point. In this way, it will be helpful not only for memorization but also for writing. Remember, all the notes are to be written on separate pages and not in any copy. Staple them on for now. If you want to add something later, you can add it by adding a page. Suppose you have prepared notes about the dam and there is any decision or current discussion about the height of a dam, then write it on a page and include it in your notes. Another advantage of adopting this process of making notes is that you can write a comment on any topic of which you have little knowledge.

    In this way, you have got a complete idea of ​​the process of making notes. Get started quickly by adopting this.

    Points to remember during the preparing of MPPSC Notes:-
    Here are the list of some points if you use them they will definitely help you.

    • Make notes of those topics which you do not already know or of which satisfactory content is unavailable.
    • Your notes should be only 30-40% of the main content.
    • Note down only the important things. Do not copy every word.
    • Use short-forms to make them as concise as possible.
    • Do not make source wise, combine all in one.
    • Copy Tables/Pie Charts/Graphs/Diagrams Etc.
    • Do not depend on anyone else’s notes, Note making differs from person to person according to their need.